Your regular shopping can generate revenue for The Bay School, and it doesn’t cost you anything. Funds from shopping programs support the general operations of the school, while funds from our bottle redemption efforts are designated for upper grades class trips.
Grocery Card Program
The Grocery Card Program is an ongoing fundraiser to support The Bay School.
Participants route their grocery shopping dollars through The Bay School’s reloadable
gift card agreement with the Blue Hill Co-op and Hannaford, and the stores give the school 5% of the total dollar amount. For additional information, check out the FAQ sheet and to sign up, download the enrollment form below, fill it out, and drop it by the school office at your convenience.
Are you an Amazon shopper? Did you know that Amazon will donate .5% of the price of
your purchases to The Bay School? Just use The Bay School’s link to the portal to shop, and the donation will automatically be made to us!
The Bay School has a CLYNK account for bottle redemption with Hannaford
supermarkets (which includes Tradewinds). Grab a special CLYNK bag with The Bay School’s
barcode from the bench in the Rousseau Building, fill it, and drop it off at the CLYNK kiosk at any Tradewinds
or Hannaford store. Our account is credited automatically based on
the bar code, and all bottle redemptions help fund class trips!